Category Archives: Babies!
Weigh In
At homebirths one of the responsibilities often given to the father is to weigh the baby (and that’s the smiling midwife looking on.) I think it may be that job is shared as holding up a chunky newborn that high … Continue reading
What a Surprise to Wake Up To!
The big brother slept through the night (a friend was there to listen for him in case he woke up) and what a surprise he woke up to! He got in a few cuddles with mom while checking out the … Continue reading
It’s a……
This was a surprise gender baby, and I caught their expressions as the parents made the announcement! I love each of their faces – mom, dad, and midwife.
Fresh New Baby – B&W vs. Color
Almost always my photos are in a customized black & white I set up in LightRoom, but I try to include for parents at least a couple photos of their new baby in color. Many moms are curious about what … Continue reading
Henna at the Blessingway
During the blessingway a friend decorated the expectant momma’s belly and the ladies did a few decorations on each other. (I have an anklet.) I smile and think of that sweet baby on the way every time I see it! … Continue reading
Our New “Baby”
Our family’s pet experience has been limited to hamsters & a fish. We’ve not ventured into a more high needs animal because I was feeling busy and overwhelmed taking care of our human babies. Well, just last week we decided … Continue reading
Baby Park Date Spring 2013!
These are some of the sweet babies who attended the park date last weekend. I was at all of their births, and they range in age from a few weeks old to one cutie pie turning ONE the day we … Continue reading
New Header for Doula Group
There’s a group of doulas I know well and trust to use as my referrals and back ups. I wanted to create a landing page for our links so when I’m booked I can quickly send out a link and … Continue reading
Full Time Mom-ing
These are my six babies and my husband, Kit. This is the one week of the year that he has to work at the office due to a big work convention, so he’s gone long hours and through the weekend. … Continue reading
Five Days
I know babies change quickly, but it still stunned me to see the comparison in this little boy from moments after he was born to 5 days after when I returned to capture the herbal bath. THIS is why I … Continue reading