In the wee hours of the morning I got called to my birth center to see a new baby boy enter the world with my midwife catching! I love being at births in the same room where I gave birth, and even more fun with the midwife we love so much. 🙂 This was such a beautiful, hard working, incredible mom and it was a joy to be part of her care team.
Birth Center Baby!
Doula Sites
For those of you searching for a doula here are some sites that may help! is where you can find Operation Special Delivery volunteer doulas. also lets you post reviews of your doulas through your Facebook login.
For those of you not in my area hopefully that will help connect you to some options in your area!
Neonatal Resuscitation Program Provider Card!
Let us pray I never, ever need to use this.
(I look tired in this photo. Yes, I really am that tired. Nursing a teething baby will do that to you - SIX TIMES last night she nursed.) 🙂
Signs of Preterm Labor
It's now estimated that 1 out of 8 babies is born premature (prior to 37 weeks gestation) and often parents are not taught about the warning signs of premature labor. Being aware of the potential signs of early labor can help ensure parents seek immediate medical care, as there are treatments which can sometimes help delay delivery. For a premature baby every single day in the womb can make a significant difference, so early education and intervention is crucial. While many people envision a premature baby arriving a few weeks early, not all parents realize preterm labor may begin in your second trimester! It is always better to call your care provider and ask about your symptoms, rather than ignoring them or waiting until your next appointment to ask. Better to call than to wish you had called!
What are some of the warning signs of preterm labor?
* Contractions every 10 minutes or more often in your third trimester. If in your second trimester then even 4 or more contractions an hour should be checked. When relaxed your uterus feels soft, like touching your cheek. When contracting your uterus will feel hard, like touching your forehead. In early pregnancy your body will be having practice contractions, but if they are coming more consistently, are causing you pain, or are lasting for more than 30 seconds it's cause for concern.
* Change in vaginal discharge: a sudden increase in fluid, a bloody show, or a thick mucous plug. Some mothers have a problem with leaking urine while pregnant, but if you are unsure if it's urine or amniotic fluid it's better to be checked than not! And I promise, you will NOT be the first mother to come in for an exam to rule out leaking fluid. They would rather it be urine than amniotic fluid so please don't be embarrassed!
* Pelvic pressure: especially in your third trimester you'll feel increasing pressure down low as the baby drops, but if you are concerned by the pressure or a sense of fullness, GET CHECKED.
* Low, dull backache: this is often a first indicator of labor, preterm or full term!
* Cramps that feel like your menstrual cycle.
* Abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea.
If your care provider doesn't bring up warning signs of preterm labor it's important that you start that discussion! Ask them in your second trimester (or earlier) what signs you should look for and what you should do in each case. Sometimes calling the doctor during office hours is enough, but other times every moment counts and you will need to get immediate medical attention - either calling 911 or heading straight to your closest ER.
As a doula I am NOT a medical care provider, and you should speak with your midwife or obstetrician about what is best for you. You can read more about prematurity at The March of Dimes site. I hope you will not ever need to know this information, but from firsthand experience I can say it's better to be aware! 🙂
While in the NICU with our son we were told a lost day in the womb equals approximately three days in the NICU. Every day counts towards your baby's development, and the sooner the signs of preterm labor are count the greater the likelihood your birth can be delayed and your baby can continue safely growing inside of you. If at any point in your pregnancy you feel concerned by symptoms, call your doctor or seek immediate medical care.
We are grateful that we were warned well in advance that our preemie would be arriving, allowing us to be in the right place when the time came. Against the odds our 23 week little boy survived and is thriving, but we wish so much that parents and babies could be spared the pain and trauma of such an early arrival. I hope this information will help another parent and baby avoid a premature birth.
Birdies & Birth
When I was expecting our sixth baby I started to sew these tiny little felt birds. Initially they were going to be a token thank you/favor for our birth team, but my kids fell in love with them. Every Christmas we collect a new ornament for each child so last year the birdies ended up being the kids' ornaments. You can see them hanging on the favor tree in this photo as we prepped for our baby's arrival:
They were so simple and fun to sew that I decided to make some for the babies whose births I attend. It's a simple thing I can work on during a longer labor, something that keeps me close to the mom but doesn't make her feel like she's being watched! 🙂 (I heard that a woman in labor is soothed by someone knitting - perhaps because it signifies that all is well or else they wouldn't be knitting? I remember our birth assistant knitting during our sixth labor, I did find it comforting! I should learn to knit. I wonder if crocheting helps the same?) But I also love the symbolism of the bird - to me it represents the laboring woman's efforts to help that tiny little baby grow strong and enter this world, knowing that someday our children grow more and fly!
Here are the little ones I'm working on now. I've not yet had a chance to work on a bird at a birth (my moms keep delivering so fast!) but I'm hoping to give these to the four babies whose births I attended in the last few months.
Postpartum Cultures
This is a really interesting read about diverse ideas regarding the postpartum time for women from around the world. As part of my postpartum doula training we studied how different cultures treat a woman's postpartum phase and I find it fascinating!
Newborns & Scent
Did you know that your baby learns your scent in the womb and when they emerge if they are not bathed right away they can recognize the scent of you on their own hands? Fascinating to learn about the study. It's another reminder of how perfectly we're designed to grow and nourish these babies.
This little one was with her mother from the moment she emerged but after a bit they decided to see how much she weighed. When she was on the warmer/scale she was happily shoving this little fist in her mouth and I was able to explain how she recognizes that scent! It was neat to see.
Plus she's just adorable. 🙂
Circled with Love
So mom's just delivered this beautiful, beautiful baby girl and they're getting her settled and just for a quick moment moved baby over to weigh her. The nurses saw me pull out my camera and said, "WAIT, Dad, come here!" They bring him over and pose this shot of him making a heart around his baby girl's feet. It did turn out cute, and the nurses announced, "We saw this on Pinterest and just had to do it!!" 🙂
AMAZING birth, incredible family, joy to witness...
I'm getting ready for a birth, prepping dinner for my family, triple checking my bag, baking cookies for the nurses. 🙂 When a mom calls me in early labor I'm trying to be calm as I ask questions and reassure her, but I get an adrenaline surge, too!
And when I get that call I realize I also immediately start to pray. Not every mother I work with will share my faith, and that's okay - I want to be sensitive to everyone's belief system, because birth IS sacred and we need to be careful and respectful of parents' faith most especially when it may not be similar to ours. But my faith includes prayer, and when I am on call for a family I am praying for them daily. When I get the call that birth is coming soon I pray even harder as I prepare - Guide me, direct me, let me be Your hands, let me be Your voice, let me speak the words this couple needs to hear and let my presence be a comfort. Help me create a safe and sacred space for this little one to enter the world...
Being asked to participate in such an event, being a witness to a miracle, is an honor I will always be in awe of... I am deeply, deeply humbled that I have a chance to stand in this sacred space with parents and watch a new spirit enter the world. It's an indescribable joy!
Look what I got in the mail today! A sweet friend offered to send me some doula books she's not using right now. Two are duplicates of ones I already have (which is good, because those are already out on loan!) but the other four I didn't have yet. I'm so thankful for wonderful friends who have helped me on this doula journey. 🙂