Henna at the Blessingway

During the blessingway a friend decorated the expectant momma's belly and the ladies did a few decorations on each other. (I have an anklet.) I smile and think of that sweet baby on the way every time I see it!

While you can hire a professional henna artist, you can also purchase these henna packets at Indian or other middle eastern markets and try it yourself! We found pattern inspiration online and if you make a mistake quickly use a wet cloth to erase and start over. The guest decorating momma's belly had just the day before had her own shower and belly done, and she was told to make sure the henna dries completely then cover the area with medical tape and leave it on until your next bath or shower. Take it off then (it will take the henna paste with the tape) and coat the area with olive oil before the shower. Henna can last a week or two depending on the location and type.

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Here's the belly art:

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This is the henna paste in case you're looking for it!


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