Sweet Postpartum Visits | Denton Birth Photography

That was his expression as he gazed up at his mom. Is that not the sweetest thing? He's less than 2 weeks old.

Today was my final postpartum visit for certification, woo-hoo! I drove home thinking, "I cannot believe I get to do this! Snuggle itty bitty babies and help new moms?" I feel so blessed that they let me be a part of their lives and to share this special time!

Yesterday I helped with another new baby and I didn't get a photo, as that little guy needed a nap and after I did the Happiest Baby tricks on him he zonked right out and slept the entire visit! Which was good, I was able to help the mom with some other things but it meant no photos of the cutie. 🙂

Once my evaluations are in and I complete my CPR training I'll be certified. WOW!

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