Better Birth Forms

Birth History

The purpose of this form is to help you explore your past birth experiences and future birth hopes, then be able to articulate these feelings to your partner & care team. Make your answers as long or short as you desire.
How do you feel about the care you received from your OB/midwife?
How do you feel about where you birthed?
How do you feel about those who attended your birth?
What went as you hoped?
What did not go as planned?
What surprised you?
How did you cope with contractions?
Did you have time to make decisions?
Did you feel pressured by anyone or anything?
How do you feel about your labor & pushing stage?
How do you feel about what happened immediately postpartum?
How do you feel about your recovery?
In what ways would you like this birth to be different?
In what ways would you like this birth to be similar?
  Heidi Thaden-Pierce is collecting this information as it pertains to your case only. She will never divulge your private information to anyone without your express consent.