Looking at the lovely new program Kit set up for me to hold all my client data (more on that later) I realized I had a lot of first time moms who lived in town and birthed this spring. I had several from out of town and several who had older children, too - someday I hope to host a gathering with EVERYONE but I didn't want to overwhelm the new babies with such a big group - this group photo is half the babies whose births I've attended since certifying last October. I know how challenging it can be as a first time mom to connect with other moms and get out of the house, so I wondered if they would be interested in gathering at my place for a little baby brunch. I sent out the email and within the hour had responses from almost everyone! They were as excited as I was, and this morning we all got together - nine moms & a dad, 8 babies, and two on the way. (Though we missed a couple moms who couldn't make it, hopefully next time.) I set a window of time as I know getting out of the house with a baby is unpredictable, so moms came and went as their schedule (and baby's needs) allowed. Kit took our kids out to run errands as I didn't want my little ones loving on the new babies too much! It was also neat to see how many of my clients know each other, through church, work, childbirth class, etc.
I had so much fun, I loved being able to snuggle on these sweet babies again, talk with the parents, and introduce them to each other! I'm already planning to do this again in the fall when some new arrivals can join us and next time we'll do it on a Saturday morning so hopefully the dads will also be able to attend. Looking at these photos and realizing I was at the birth of each of these babies?? It feels humbling and amazing - I feel incredibly blessed to be part of their special day. Thank you to everyone who came!!!
First Baby Brunch!
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